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3 Legal Templates to Increase Online Sales

I'm Michelle!

Learn about how to legally protect your online business with The CEO Legal Loft blog. We cover advertising, intellectual property, business formations, and the important legal aspects running a business online.

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, eCommerce is booming, and every business is looking for ways to boost online sales. But here’s something that often gets overlooked: legal templates.

These templates aren’t just about compliance; they’re about building trust with your customers. Whether it’s terms and conditions, disclaimers, or refund policies, these documents can make your business look more professional and help avoid messy disputes. In turn, they create a smoother, more secure shopping experience that helps customers feel confident about hitting that “buy” button.

As online shoppers become more aware of their rights, having a legally sound business isn’t just smart—it’s essential. In this post, we’ll explore how you can use legal templates to protect your business and a way to increase sales at the same time.

Increase Online Sales with a Refund Policy

Having a solid refund policy is a smart way to increase online sales. Why? Because it builds trust. People who shop online need to know that if something goes wrong, they’ve got options. Your refund policy should be simple and clear, outlining when refunds are accepted, how long customers have to request them, and the steps for returning items or canceling services.

Not only does this help ease concerns, but it also prevents disputes. A refund policy makes transactions smoother and encourages customers to complete their purchase without worrying about losing money.

How it helps sales: People hesitate when they think they’re at risk of losing money. A clear refund policy reduces that fear, giving buyers the confidence to go through with their purchase. When customers know they can get their money back if needed, it creates a better customer experience and they’re much more likely to buy from you.

Quick Tip: Make your refund policy easy to find—link it in your checkout process or at the bottom of your site to increase transparency and trust.

Increase Sales by Adding a Testimonial Disclaimer

Testimonials are a huge factor when it comes to influencing buying decisions, but they need to be used responsibly. According to the FTC, testimonials should reflect typical results. Just saying “results may vary” won’t cover you if the results shown aren’t realistic for most customers.

A testimonial disclaimer helps keep things transparent, letting people know that the results they’re seeing in testimonials aren’t guaranteed for everyone.

How it helps sales: Adding a disclaimer builds trust. It shows that your business is honest and clear about what customers can expect, which fosters confidence in a potential customer. If you have testimonials showcasing great results, you either need to provide data showing that these results are typical or make sure to explain what’s more common.

For example:
“Results may vary based on individual circumstances. These testimonials reflect individual experiences and do not guarantee the same outcomes for everyone.”

Quick Tip: Always place your disclaimer near the testimonials. If a testimonial shows extraordinary results, explain what’s typical or back it up with proof.

Increase Sales by Adding a Terms of Purchase

A Terms of Purchase Agreement is a critical document that sets the rules for any transaction on your website. It helps protect both your business and your customers by clarifying how things like payment, shipping, returns, and disputes are handled.

For example, your terms might explain what payment methods you accept, how returns work, and how long customers have to return an item. By clearly laying this out, you help manage expectations and avoid confusion or disputes.

How it helps sales: Clear terms make for a smoother buying experience. When customers know exactly what they’re agreeing to, they feel more confident making a purchase. It reduces the chance of cart abandonment and increases conversions because customers know they’re protected if something goes wrong.

Quick Tip: Make sure your Terms of Purchase is easy to find, especially during checkout. This way, customers can review it before they complete their purchase, protecting both you and them.

Boost Sales and Protect Your Business with The CEO Legal Kit

If you’re serious about increasing sales while protecting your business, having the right legal protections is key. Policies like refund guidelines and testimonial disclaimers build customer trust and create a smoother buying experience, encouraging customers to complete their purchases with confidence.

The CEO Legal Kit provides essential legal templates, including refund policies and disclaimers, that help protect your business and enhance your credibility. Ready to protect your business and boost sales? Get started with The CEO Legal Kit today!

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When I went to law school, it was like learning another language. And it always boggled my mind, why professors couldn't review cases in plain English. When I opened my law firm, I vowed to create a firm, that would make my clients comfortable and less intimated by the law. And now with The CEO Legal Loft, we're taking it to another level by offering you resources that many small business owners need while going all in on their business dreams.

This is the secret to keeping your customers happy and coming back for more. Inside this offer, we’ll provide you with effective refund template emails for your store so that no customer goes without satisfaction.



Join the thousands of business owners who've upgraded their website terms and conditions with these templates. They're a steal!



© 2020-2024, Michelle W. Murphy LLC, All rights reserved. | Legal 

Legal Disclaimer: The CEO Legal Loft is owned by Michelle W. Murphy, LLC and is not a law firm. Nothing on this website is legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed by purchasing or viewing a resource or contract template on this site. If you have a specific problem and need legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state or the state bar.